May 19, 2020

David Thompson (NBA) visits Liberia - 1977

NBA great David Thompson of the Denver Nuggets, along with NBA ballers Quinn Buckner and Monte Towe, visited Liberia in 1977. They conducted a series of clinics and scrimmages with many of the elite ball players in Liberia at the time. This picture was taken at ACS gymnasium after one of those scrimmages.

Standing L to R: David Thompson (NBA), Jimmy McCritty, Bill Flowers, Wayne Johnson, Ben Purser, Kasi Gaba, Charles Wordsworth, David Chieh, Sam Momolu, Irving Boayue, Matthais Nimley, Christian King (Coach T-Bread) and R. Mendscole.

Kneeling L to R: Quinn Buckner (NBA), Andrew Urey, Ernest Reeves, Reginald Reeves, Michael Wilson, Emmanuel Zawolo, Ishmael Goodridge, Monte Towe (NBA) and John Gabbidon